What are the signs of hail damage to your home after a hail storm

Please note this article is for information purposes only. Apartment Roofing Inspections should only be completed by trained specialists with the suitable equipment. It begins with whistling winds. You look outside, and detect clouds look a little bit odd. Soon, you hear a lonely beat, but it is not the door. Another knock, Then another. Soon it becomes a torrent of sounds, hammers on the roofing, golf balls hit the windows. You remembered to park at the garage right? After the storm passes you automatically walk out front to check the damages to locate, Well, not much really. Most items seem to be intact, and the truth is unless you've had a particularly nasty hail storm, your home will seem, to be entirely fine. Hail storms can be a frightening experience, with hail stones which range from the size of peas to bigger than softballs. Even smaller hail can sound like your home may not make it. But your fencing does not need to be lying on its side to p...